The documentary-essayistic film IN-VISIBLE shows not only an unusual view of a city, but also poses and puts the question of what can emerge behind the visible and the known. Kamen Stoyanov talks to the artist and author Marko Pogacnik, who has been active in the field of art and geomancy for decades. His second encounter and a city guide is Taubi. He has long experiences of homelessness and he is the initiator and leader of the city tour Invisible Ljubljana.

Slovenia: 2018, 30’52”
Director: Kamen Stoyanov / Камен Стоянов
Producer: MGML – Museums & Galleries of Ljubljana and Kamen Stoyanov
Cinematographer: Katharina Swoboda, Kamen Stoyanov
Writer: Kamen Stoyanov
Editor: Katharina Swoboda, Kamen Stoyanov


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