With flying colors Javada Film started work on its new feature project “Basement Calling Skies”, by Zdrava Kamenova and Vilma Kartalska, as one of the only 9 projects selected for Best Pitch Competition at PriFest (16-21.07.2019). It was represented to a jury of world-class movie experts – Linda Beath (Chairwoman), Emmy Nominee Jeremy Zimmermann, Cheryl Johnson, Jacques Akchoti, Mërgim Cahani.


One basement, 2 runaway kids – Bulgarian Gallin and Roma Jesus, brought together by fate, create a symbiosis to survive. Soon the instincts turn into friendship that changes their life for good.


Prishtina International Film Festival is the most important film event that is held in Kosovo.

The festival consists of four competition programs: the European film competition program, the Balkan film competition program (also known as Honey and Blood Cinema), the Middle-length competition program (comprised of 25-60 min length films) and as of this year, the Documentary film program will also be competitive. The latter promotes documentaries from around the world that revolve around subjects related to human rights and the environment. All of the above-mentioned programs are open to the whole world. PriFest also has non-competitive programs, like the Focus program, which promotes cinematography of a specific country or director, and the Let It Be program, which is a result of cooperation with Outfest LA, an LGBTI film festival.

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